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Experimental Study on Difficulty of Evacuation During Urban Floods

Author(s): Ryuichi Hirakawa; Kojiro Nakamoto; Tomokazu Negishi; Yuya Hoshino

Linked Author(s): Ryuichi Hirakawa

Keywords: Difficulty of evacuation; Walking experiment; Decrease of walking speed; Inundation hazard

Abstract: In recent years, the increase in short-term heavy rainfall caused inundation hazards in various places. In the event of an inundation hazard, evacuation by walking in a stream is sometimes conducted. Hazard maps with only the inundation depth as an index of external force, which are currently used in many municipalities, do not adequately express the risk of evacuation involving walking in a stream. Therefore, this study aimed to create a new difficulty of evacuation and express it as a difficulty of evacuation map. In the experiment, we conducted a walking experiment in actual rivers and an experimental flume with the target age groups in their 20s and 70s. Furthermore, precipitation simulation was performed for the target area. Based on the obtained results, we indexed and visualized the difficulty of evacuation, including the rate of decrease in walking speed to the evacuation site. As a result, it was found that the difficulty of evacuation map created in this study can be used for selecting the route to the evacuation site and selecting the most suitable evacuation site from multiple evacuation sites.


Year: 2023

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