Author(s): Koji Asai; Hajime Shirozu; Koji Nishiyama
Linked Author(s): Hajime Shirozu, Koji Asai
Keywords: Self-organizing map; Typhoon landed in Japan; Meteorological filed; Classification; JRA55
Abstract: The objective of this study is to classify the meteorological pattern including typhoons by using Self-Organizing Map (SOM). The meteorological data used in this study is JRA55 at 1.25 degrees longitude and latitude intervals, and are composed of three elements, i. e., the surface pressure, two wind components at surface. The target area in this study is in East China Sea and the pert of the north Pacific Ocean where is near the Philippines. The meteorological fields are represented with 567 grid points with 1.25degree interval. The dimension of one data is 567x3 = 1,701. The meteorological data for 63 years from 1958 to 2020 in the typhoon season, from 1st July to 30th October, was used. The number of the unit is 896 and the number of the group is 50. It is found that the typhoons landed in Japan in summer season and in autumn season are mainly classified into G49 and G13, respectively.
Year: 2023