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Numerical Simulation of Vertical Slot-Brush Fish Pass

Author(s): Nika Jahangiri; Cumhur Ozbey; Serhat Kucukali

Linked Author(s): Serhat Kucukali

Keywords: Vertical slot fishway; Numerical model; Flexible hydraulic elements; Porous media approach

Abstract: This study aims to create cost-efficient solutions for the upstream migration of multiple fish species, particularly small-bodied fish at existing fish pass structures. It is proposed to use permeable brush blocks, regarded as energy absorbers, in the vertical-slot fishways. It is shown that the presence of brush blocks and the flow-bristle interaction significantly reduce the velocity fluctuations in the pool and create low-velocity zones and migration corridors for them. To investigate different hydraulic conditions in the fish pass, physical model measurements coupled with numerical modeling are necessary. The numerical model was established by using the k-ε RNG turbulence model in FLOW-3D. The porous media method was used as an innovative approach for modeling flexible hydraulic elements in the numerical model. The numerical model was validated by using the velocity and Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) data of the physical model. The results have shown that the numerical model can simulate flow fields in the pool with high accuracy.


Year: 2023

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