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CFD Shape Optimization of the Hydraulic Structures

Author(s): Jiri Soucek; Eva Bilkova; Petr Nowak

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Keywords: Numerical modelling; CFD; Optimization; Hydraulic structures

Abstract: This article aims to explore the basic approaches, challenges, and benefits of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) optimization of hydraulic structures. The study focuses on the use of CFD tools to evaluate the benefits of changes in the shape of selected hydraulic structures and the transfer of knowledge from CFD optimization of water turbines to the optimization of other hydraulic structures. Specifically, the paper discusses the experience from optimizations of the elbow draft tube of a turbine, pipe bifurcation, short culvert of a navigation lock, and the inlet and outlet of hydropower plants for safe navigation. Each of these structures requires a tailored approach to individual optimization elements. The article highlights that the optimization of hydraulic structures is often constrained by the complexity of computational tasks, the need for accuracy, and the large dimensions of the structures. As a result, it is necessary to simplify tasks as much as possible while maintaining sufficient accuracy and credibility of results. This may involve limiting the number of parameters used to describe the shape of the structure, performing a sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of parameters on the target objective function, and excluding irrelevant parameters. Additionally, defining the optimization objective function can be challenging in many cases. The paper's main contribution is to approach the full implementation of CFD optimization in the field of hydraulic structures, which needs to catch up to the progress in mechanical engineering.


Year: 2023

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