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Relation Between Potential Groundwater Recharge, DRASTIC, and Arsenic Interpolation Maps

Author(s): Maria Del Mar Navarro-Farfan; Sonia Tatiana Sanchez-Quispe; Marco Antonio Martinez-Cinco; Mario Alberto Hernandez-Hernandez

Linked Author(s): Mario Alberto Hernandez Hernandez

Keywords: DRASTIC; Arsenic interpolation maps; Thematic layers

Abstract: In Mexico, about a quarter of the population has problems related to water, which may refer to the quantity or quality of the resource; likewise, 39% of the population is supplied by groundwater, which is why it is necessary to understand the behavior of aquifers to provide the population with the resource in an adequate manner. Potentially toxic elements, such as arsenic (As), tend to have a degree of danger in the organism if consumed regularly. On the other hand, the behavior of recharge in the aquifer is not homogeneous and, for this reason, the use of two methodologies is proposed to relate recharge to the aquifer according to zones of greater percolation, using maps of potential recharge zones (PGR) and zones vulnerable to contamination (DRASTIC map). It is important to relate the potential subway recharge with contamination sites, to later validate it with bubble-type maps of contaminants and thus, predict the possible behavior and genesis of the contaminant along the Morelia- Querendaro aquifer.


Year: 2023

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