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Interpretation of Aquifer Tests Using the Kalman Filter

Author(s): Maria Ines Rivas-Recendez; Hugo Enrique Jύnez-Ferreira

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Keywords: Filter Kalman; Pumping test; Theis solution

Abstract: The present study considers the application of the Kalman filter as an alternative for the pumping tests interpretation in confined aquifers, based on the Theis analytical solution proposed. The Kalman filter is used for hydraulic transmissivity calibration as much as the storage coefficient next to an extraction well. It uses the water level measured during an aquifer test. Additionally, this process allows to estimate the drawdown rate of change for a test in function of time. The main objective of this research is to obtain the hydraulic parameters of an aquifer eliminating noise that usually is not considered in traditional interpretation procedures. To achieve this, the analytical solution proposed by Theis is adapted to the Kalman filter equations. The results were compared with traditional procedures already published in order to assess the model performance. The resultant hydraulic parameters obtained in the calibration phase, properly simulate the water level measurements.


Year: 2023

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