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Bridge Pier Scour Due to Dynamic Debris Jams

Author(s): Wenjun Zhang; Ioan Nistor; Colin D. Rennie

Linked Author(s): Ioan Nistor, Colin Rennie

Keywords: Single bridge pier; Woody debris jam; K-omega model

Abstract: Woody debris pieces accumulated as a jam in front of a bridge pier block the bridge opening and may enhance the scour process, increasing the potential for bridge failure. This paper presents a numerical method using immersed boundary conditions for the debris jam with a mobile bed k-omega turbulence model to simulate the influence of dynamic debris jam on scour. A method was proposed to describe the debris jam based on halfcone geometry, and a wall function was applied to the debris jam. Experimental work has already been done to reproduce the development of dynamic debris jam and investigate the influence on scour depth, and these cases are used to validate the modelled scour process and the predicted scour depth in the presence of dynamic debris jam.


Year: 2023

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