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Numerical Modeling of an Inertial Gravity Current at an Edge Drainage

Author(s): Byungjoo Kim; Hong-Joon Shin; Joongcheol Paik

Linked Author(s): Joongcheol Paik

Keywords: Inertial gravity current; Edge drainage; High Reynolds number; Non-Boussinesq case; Detached-eddy simulation

Abstract: Inertial gravity currents are simulated under various conditions by two-dimensional (2D) large eddy simulation (LES) and three-dimensional 3D detached eddy simulation. 2D LES of the inertial gravity currents reproduced by the drainage from the leading edge has been carried out on the meshes of three different resolutions that are from the finest mesh used in the previous 2D direct numerical simulation (DNS) to the coarsest mesh with one of the fourth numbers of grids in each direction. Through a series of 2D LESs, we found the affordable mesh resolution for the 3D detached eddy simulation (DES) where the mesh resolutions in the streamwise and vertical directions are the same as used in the 2D LES on the coarsest resolution while the uniform mesh is applied on the spanwise direction. Based on this grid sensitivity study, we carried out the 3D DES of the inertial gravity currents produced by the drainage for a fixed volume of fluid from the leading edge of rectangular and trapezoidal cross-sectional reservoirs and elucidate the 3D dynamic behaviors of the flow.


Year: 2023

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