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Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Fish Passageway with Porous Media Boundary

Author(s): P. A. Mikael Hedberg; J. Gunnar. I. Hellstrom; Nils Solheim

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Keywords: CFD; Ecohydraulics; Porous media; ADV

Abstract: Hydropower structures create large barriers in the natural river systems as they are built. Measures to help fish migrate past the enormous obstacles is needed to alleviate the impact of these anthropogenic barriers on the river ecology. This article presents experimental ADV data from a large open channel with a passage for fish migration, accompanied by CFD simulations of the same channel in 1 to 1 scale. The ADV data serves two purposes, first to evaluate the general velocity field in the flume. Secondly, to evaluate the impact of porous media as a boundary for the fish passage. Validation of the CFD simulations with the ADV data shows its viability as a design tool for use in ecohydraulics. Porous media as a barrier in migratory fish passageways introduces a way to alter the flow conditions in the fish passageway. Depending on species of fish, and their preferences, adjustable porous media could be used to control conditions to entice migration through the passageway.


Year: 2023

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