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Pumping Stations Transients' Models from Canal de Isabel II Water Supply Network

Author(s): C. Ortega; A. ; Carrasco; A. Lastra; P. Gomez; J. Botello; M. Ortega

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Keywords: Hydraulic transients; Pressure surge monitoring; Hydraulic network management; Waterhammer mitigation; Pump stations

Abstract: Water hammer in pumping systems is a key issue for water network management, particularly in unplanned events originated by unintentional changes in operation, such as unexpected shutdowns caused by electrical failure or human errors, which may be very dangerous for water infrastructures. Mathematical modelling can be useful to assess the transient response between different possibilities in current installations, even if, in most cases, are unclear. Under this scope, the Canal de Isabel II R&D+I department has created a project for transient assessment at several types of pumping stations that are an important part of its distribution network. Field tests were carried out of a each of these sites, and the data collected was used for creating hydraulic dynamic models based on the geometric and operational data of the pumping station and hydraulic network and its calibration. After the models had been calibrated, several mitigation strategies were taken into account in order to assess how effectively they were likely to attenuate peak (lowest and maximum) pressure values. Furthermore, multiple approaches to improve system response can be analysed, including adjustments in operating procedures at pumping stations and design proposals. This paper presents the project's methodology and a case study of a pumping system in Madrid.


Year: 2023

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