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Flood Information Systems - Experiences from the Summer 2021 Flood

Author(s): Martin Fabisch; Hellen Hammoudi; Robert Jupner

Linked Author(s): Martin Fabisch

Keywords: Flood information system; Digital situation map; Data acquisition; Data processing and visualization

Abstract: The flood disaster in July 2021 in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia has shown how important effective preparation, analysis, and visualization of spatial data is for crisis management. During the event, there was no existing information platform for these functions in Rhineland-Palatinate and no comprehensive solution in other federal states of Germany. To address this gap, a digital situation map called "Digitale Lagekarte (DLK) " was developed and implemented as a Web-GIS application during the flood event. The use of DLK in 2021 has shown that it is possible to develop such an information system during a disaster, but it has also its limitations. Emergency forces and crisis management team were not familiar with the system, which led to inefficient use. Additionally, innovative approaches in data acquisition and processing could not be tested during the disaster. Therefore, it is essential to prepare such information platforms during the flood preparedness phase and make them applicable during the flood event. The analysis of DLK application has shown potential for further development of future Flood Information Systems. The technical and organizational requirements define an elementary basic system that can be quickly used and optimized for specific applications, including basic geodata, standardization specifications, and specialist data for disaster events. Modern detection systems such as UAVs and field apps are already in Use, and their applications are expected to increase significantly in the next years. However, realizing the full technical potential of these tools requires further adequate data processing.


Year: 2023

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