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Participatory Approach to Increase Urban Flood Resilience Through Blue-Green Infrastructure

Author(s): Virginia Rosa Coletta; Alessandro Pagano; Irene Pluchinotta; Nici Zimmermann; Umberto Fratino; Raffaele Giordano

Linked Author(s): Umberto Fratino, Alessandro Pagano

Keywords: Flood risk management; Resilience; Urban dynamics; System dynamics modelling; Stakeholder engagement; Blue-Green infrastructure

Abstract: Cities are complex and uncertain systems as they consist of mutable relations between the several dimensions and elements they are characterised by. Besides that, the level of flood risk they are experiencing is exacerbated by the changes of climatological and socio-economic factors. Decision and policy-makers cannot ignore these dynamics and should move towards an adequate approach to flood risk management. In this context, an increasing body of literature further suggests adopting resilient-based approaches, which include e. g., interactions with stakeholders and Blue-Green (BG) infrastructure implementation. Starting from these premises, this work aims at developing an innovative and participatory approach to support decisionmakers in enhancing urban flood resilience through the implementation of BG infrastructure. To this aim, a System Dynamic modelling approach is adopted. The method, although replicable in different study contexts, is implemented in a one of the case studies of the CUSSH1 and CAMELLIA2 urban regeneration projects, namely Thamesmead (London).


Year: 2023

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