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Study on the Total Water Amount Control for Decreasing Groundwater Overexploitation in the Haihe River Basin

Author(s): Guiyu Yang, Hao Wang, Weiwei Shao, Yangwen Jia, Lin Wang

Linked Author(s): Guiyu Yang

Keywords: The controlling indicates, groundwater, surface water, the Haihe River Basin.

Abstract: The groundwater over-exploitation in the Haihe River Basin, China is very serious, which has drawn lots of attention around the world. The key solution for this problem is rational utilization of water resources. In the framework of the maximum available consumption of water resources consumption (MAWRC) in the water cycle, five controlling indicators are introduced upon the water supply sources and the water consumption. To quantitatively determine these indicators in future, 3 scenarios are set on the conditions of the drought hydrological series from 1980 to 2005 associating to the amount of water utilization between 2020 and 2030 planning level years. The 5 indicators are quantified in different scenarios by employing the �natural-social� dualistic model. The results showed that the amount of the MAWRC should be 1675�108m3 and 1685�108m3 in 2020 and 2030, respectively. Under the corresponding condition, the amounts of water consumption in 2020 and 2030 respectively should be restricted as following: the national economy water utilizations are 400�108m3, 411�108m3; and the artificial eco-environmental water utilizations mount to 17�108m3 and 20. 9�108m3. The surface water supply are 230�108m3 and 260�108m3 with groundwater exploration quantities at 188�108m3 and 172�108m3. If the total amount of water supply was strictly constrained in this way, the efficiency of water resources consumption and basin ecosystem will be greatly improved


Year: 2017

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