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Urban Environment and Sustainable Drainage Approach in the Mediterranean Climate Context: Toward Guideline for Pre-Project Assessment

Author(s): Erika Llerena Ona; Morgan Abily; Olivier Delestre; Jeremy Targosz; Beniamino Russo; Jackson Tellez; Yannick Mamindy-Pajany; Felix Billaud

Linked Author(s): Beniamino Russo

Keywords: Groundwater; Numerical modelling; Permeable pavements; Runoff; Runoff quality; Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

Abstract: The growth of urban areas, by stressing water resources and infrastructure management, has promoted the development and spreading of different techniques under the label of sustainable drainage systems approach. These techniques aim to improve infiltration and reduce runoff. The Nice Metropolis (France) has decided to conduct a study to test good practices before implementing such a drainage-favouring approach. An urban pilot area has been selected with the specific challenges of being located within an industrial zone close to an exploited alluvial aquifer. Here, the first stage of this ongoing study is presented where best practices and recommendations assessment has been performed. The review focuses on guidelines and experiences from already implemented solutions under the specifics of Mediterranean climate conditions. In the presented pilot case study, test will be performed with high-resolution runoff and hydrogeological numerical modelling, where the runoff quality and its effect on the underlying water table is of special interest. Based on the pilot study, a methodology is proposed to draw up applied recommendations for municipalities at the pre-project stages on how to (i) have a critical relative comparison of the different categories of drainage favouring solutions, (ii) guide for assessment and proposal of a set of tailored numerical modelling approaches, and (iii) provide recommendations for short, mid and long-term monitoring of the drainage solutions impact. The strategy for the numerical modelling approach selection is also discussed.


Year: 2024

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