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Simulation of Winter Wheat Yields in North China Plain Based on DSSAT Model and Its Influencing Factors

Author(s): Yuan Shi; Yijun Guo; Yifan Li; Meijian Bai; Yanan Liu

Linked Author(s): Yuan Shi

Keywords: Winter wheat; CERES-Wheat; DSSAT; Model calibration; Model validation; Irrigation

Abstract: In this study, a wheat growth simulation model in the DSSAT software, was investigated for its ability to simulate the growth and yield of winter wheat in the region and to find the optimal plan for the estimation of genetic parameters and the model verification. The CERES-Wheat model was tested during a period of 2 years’ field experiments under 11 different irrigation treatments. The experimental data were used to run the model. A total of 4 different plans for model calibration and verification were designed and the DSSAT-GLUE, a program package for parameter estimation in DSSAT, was used to estimate the relevant genetic coefficients. The CERES-Wheat model has certain limitations when simulating the agro-ecological processes of winter wheat in North China. If the CERES-Wheat model is expected to be applied more ubiquitously in the management and research of winter wheat in this area, then it is necessary to further investigate the water-stress response mechanisms of winter wheat and the simulation methods.


Year: 2024

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