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River-Aquifer Interaction - Where Is the Problem in Calculating Volumetric Exchange? Hupsel Case Study

Author(s): Maria Grodzka-Lukaszewska; Joachim Rozemeijer; Ype Van Der Velde; Grzegorz Sinicyn

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Keywords: River-aquifer interaction; Velocity Oriented Approach; Head-Oriented Approach; Groundwater flow model; Water exchange measurement; Water exchange modelling

Abstract: The purpose of the research was to compare two conceptually different physi-cal-mathematical models of groundwater flow, the HOA and the Velocity-Oriented Approach (VOA), by creating two corresponding numerical models and calculating the water flow in the subsoil for the same real hydrogeological situation (Hupsel, The Netherlands). For this comparison, the measurement results from the DYNAQUAL project were used. The results of this experiment served as a comparative measure of the compliance of VOA and HOA numerical models with real measurements.


Year: 2024

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