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Utilization of Water Conserved by Renewable Substitution for Thermal Power: Adaptive Reservoir Operation and Incremental Benefits

Author(s): Haixing Gou; Chao Ma

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Keywords: Emergency water supply; Incremental benefits; Renewable energy substitution; Water saving reallocation

Abstract: The interprovincial transmission of clean energy has replaced the traditional water intensive thermal power, resulting in water savings in the power-receiving areas. To further utilize the water savings to generate the incremental benefits, a general model framework is proposed to quantify the saved water and reallocate it to cope with emergency events and promote hydropower based on reservoir reoperation. The incremental benefits and optimal reallocation mode of the water savings have been revealed through a case study in Henan Province. The results indicate an annual water savings of 175.160 million m3 in Henan Province due to renewable substitution, which contributes to an increase in hydropower generation and emergency water supply ranging from 14.584 GWh to 32.267 GWh and 0 to 1.724 × 108 m3, respectively, under different hydrological scenarios. To boost the incremental benefits of water savings, the source reservoir is suggested to prioritize the emergency water supply in dry years and enhance hydropower generation in wet years. The general framework can be extended to other energy-water systems to assess incremental benefits and propose adaptive reservoir reoperation schemes, which provides new insights into water management from the perspective of renewable energy substitution.


Year: 2024

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