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Impact of Extreme Climate and Land-Use Change on Inducing Floods and Droughts in the Upper Luanhe River Basin

Author(s): Ge Gao; Jia Liu; Jianzhu Li; Ping Feng; Yicheng Wang

Linked Author(s): Yicheng Wang

Keywords: Extreme hydrological events; Extreme climate indices; Correlation analysis; SWAT; Droughts and floods

Abstract: In recent years, extreme hydrological events have been more frequent in the Luanhe River Basin. Studying the response mechanism of extreme hydrological events in the Luanhe River Basin to climate change and land-use variations is of significant scientific and practical value for disaster prevention and mitigation under new circumstances. This study focuses on the control area of Sandaohezi Hydrological Stations as the study area. Twelve extreme climate indices are selected to analyze the trends in extreme climate changes, and calculations are conducted to determine their correlation with extreme hydrological events. A SWAT hydrological model is constructed to explore the response patterns of extreme hydrological events to climate and land-use variations. The results indicate a notable warming and drying trend, with rising extreme temperatures, decreasing precipitation, and more concentrated extreme rainfall. Extreme hydrological events are mainly influenced by climate change, with climate change having a greater impact on extreme dry events than extreme flood events.


Year: 2024

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