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Fifteen-Year Statistical Analysis of Cloud Characteristics over China Using Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Observations

Author(s): Yuyang Chen

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Keywords: China; Cloud effective radius; Cloud fraction; Cloud optical thickness; Cloud top pressure; MODIS

Abstract: This study utilizes 15 years of observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA Terra and Aqua satellites (March 2003 to February 2018) to analyze spatio-temporal variations in macro- and micro-physical cloud properties across China. Parameters studied include cloud fraction (CF), cloud top pressure (CTP), cloud top temperature (CTT), cloud optical thickness (COT), and effective radius (re) of liquid water and ice clouds. The multiyear averaged CF is approximately 61% across China, with notable seasonal and regional variations. CF is higher in summer and winter (~64–65%) compared to spring and autumn (~58%). Regional classification reveals distinct CF distribution patterns, with more clouds in southern and southeastern regions than in northern and northwestern areas. Cloud properties also vary between land and ocean, with larger CF over ocean and significant differences between morning and afternoon CF over land. COT distribution mirrors CF patterns across seasons, while cloud re values are influenced by aerosol pollution, exhibiting higher values in northwestern and Tibetan Plateau regions. These findings contribute to a better understanding of cloud dynamics and regional variations.


Year: 2024

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