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On Runoff and Sediment Reduction Effect and Critical Threshold of Soil and Water Conservation in Sanchuan River Basin

Author(s): Xiaoying Liu; Qunfang Zheng

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Keywords: Soil conservation measures; Sediment reduction; Sanchuan River basin

Abstract: Located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River from Hekouzhen to Longmen, the Sanchuan River watershed in Shanxi Province spans 176.4 kilometers in length and covers an area of 4,161 square kilometers. Since the 1970s, this watershed has conducted extensive and integrated soil conservation practices, including afforestation, terrace construction, and grassland establishment, and thus have significantly expanded. Analysis based on the observed data indicate that these measures have substantially reduced runoff and sediment loads within the watershed. Warping dam constructions have proven to be the most effective at reducing, followed by afforested areas and terraced fields, with grasslands showing the least impact. Furthermore, research has identified a threshold effect in the efficiency of these conservation practices; Specifically, when the proportion of terraced land within the basin exceeds 35% to 40%, the sediment reduction stabilizes at approximately 90%.


Year: 2024

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