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Efficient Leakage Detection in Pressurized Looped Pipelines

Author(s): Pan Bin; Duan Huanfeng; Che Tongchuan; Keramat Alireza; Wang Manli

Linked Author(s): HF Duan

Keywords: Leakage detection; Transient-based method; Time domain analysis; Forward-backward transient analysis

Abstract: The forward-backward transient analysis is capable of converting the transient-based defect detection procedure from a traditional inverse analysis into a forward problem analysis which does not rely on optimization. While the forward-backward transient analysis has been adapted for identifying defects in tree-shape pipe networks in our previous research, due to the complex multiple wave travel path characteristics of the looped pipe networks, its application to looped pipe networks remains challenging. To address this, it is essential to understand the transient behavior within each primary pipe loop of the pipe network to facilitate the continuation of the transient analysis in such systems. This paper focuses on refining the forward-backward transient analysis to enhance leak detection capabilities in looped pipe networks. The key strategy is to use additional pressure and discharge sensors to transfer a looped pipe system into an equivalent tree-shaped configuration. Then by using calculation order, the intact pipes can be gradually excluded, leading to the identification of the compromised pipe. The newly proposed algorithm for defect detection in looped pipe networks shows a significant step forward for the development of forward-backward transient analysis and transient research.


Year: 2024

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