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Optimal Sequence of Replacements in the Renovation of Water Distribution Networks

Author(s): Vesipa Riccardo; Avarzamani Mohsen

Linked Author(s): Riccardo Vesipa

Keywords: Renovation; Leakages; Optimization; Genetic Algorithms; Modelling; EPANet

Abstract: Aging components within WDNs pose a major concern due to their susceptibility to leakages. One possible strategy to addressing this issue is to replace a large part (up to 20%) of the conduit in the network (i. e., to perform a network renovation). However, the replacement of conduits cannot be performed all at once, rather it requires the progressive and sequential replacement of conduits. It is expected that different sequences of conduits replacement will have different effects on the WDN dynamics. This study explores the existence of an optimal sequences of pipe replacement, that minimizes disturbances to users.


Year: 2024

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