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Research on the Leakage Identification of Embankment Dams Based on UAV with Infrared Thermal Imaging

Author(s): Po Li; Lei Tang; Shenghang Zhang

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Keywords: Leakage; Embankment dam; UAV; Infrared thermal imaging; Temperature difference rate

Abstract: Timely and accurate identification of leakage is vital for ensuring the safe operation of embankment projects. However, few studies have considered utilizing information related to the temperature field anomalies on dam surfaces obtained through infrared thermal imaging in the leakage detection process. In this context, to explore the feasibility and characteristics of infrared thermal imaging in detecting leakage in embankment dams under natural environmental conditions, this study fully considered the correlation between leakage and temperature, and on-site inspection tests were conducted for dam leakage detection based on infrared thermal imaging. By studying the coupling theory of the seepage and temperature fields, a numerical simulation study was designed to investigate the effects of water–air temperature difference and seepage channel permeability coefficient on the surface temperature field of a downstream dam. The results showed that the infrared images captured by the imager on board our UAV could vividly and intuitively present temperature anomalies caused by the leakage. The temperature development law and infrared image characteristics of the leakage outlet of the earthen dam were consistent with the numerical simulation results. A temperature difference rate index was proposed using model calculations to characterize the degree of the anomaly in the temperature field on the surface of small reservoirs, providing a scientific basis for leakage detection based on infrared thermal imaging using unmanned aerial vehicle platforms.


Year: 2024

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