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National Mountain Flood Disaster Supplementary Survey and Evaluation of Key Cities and Towns Results Review Rules Discussion

Author(s): Xie Min; Dou Yan Hong; Zhang Xiao Lei

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Keywords: Flash flood disaster; Investigation and evaluation; Audit rule; Quality control

Abstract: In order to fully grasp the underlying surface conditions of small watersheds in hilly areas, the country has launched a supplementary investigation and evaluation of flash flood disasters, and on the basis of the first round of villages along rivers, new key urban market towns have been added. This paper expounds the contents of supplementary investigation and evaluation of key cities and towns, introduces in detail the principles, contents and rules of national results audit, and discusses the rationality of new early warning indicators, the scientificity of related stations, the professional audit rules of dangerous areas and resettlement sites on the basis of formal audit of data quality, which effectively improves the quality of results and greatly improves the application value of results. To lay a solid foundation for the transformation of mountain flood disaster prevention from "having" to "good".


Year: 2024

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