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Flash Flood Disaster Risk Evaluation Based on Geographic Detector and Interval Number Ranking Method

Author(s): Xiao Liua; B. ; Ronghualiua; B. ; Xiaoleizhanga; B. ; Qi Liua; B.

Linked Author(s): Ronghua Liu

Keywords: Flash flood; Advantage degree function; Ranking; Flash flood risk evaluation

Abstract: Flash flood disaster is one of the natural disasters that have a significant impact on human beings, causing enormous damage to the national economy and people’s lives and properties. Conducting a risk assessment of flash floods is an effective way to defend against them, and an accurate assessment of flash flood risk can provide strong technical support for flash flood prevention and decision-making. This study analyzed the driving forces of flash flood disaster-causing factors in Heilongjiang Province. 9 types of driving factors related to flash floods in Heilongjiang Province were selected, and the degree of influence of each driving factor on flash floods was quantitatively analyzed, and the driving force analysis of the driving factors of flash floods in Heilongjiang Province was carried out by using the geographic probe model. The uncertainty method is introduced, this paper using Statistical-based interval weight determination of evaluation index method and Interval number sorting method based on two-dimensional information to establish flash flood risk evaluation model. On this basis, it was applied in Heilongjiang province of China to evaluate and rank the risk of flash flood in 6 regions. The ranking result was: BayanShuangchengBoli Suibin HailunYian. The results show that the evaluation method based on interval number can better deal with the uncertainty in reality.


Year: 2024

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