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Characteristics and Adaptive Structure of Urban Flood Governance Network: The “7.20” Flood Event in Zhengzhou; China

Author(s): Wang Dandan; Liu Gaofeng; Wang Huimin; Huang Jing; Wang Yixin

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Keywords: Urban flood; Complex Adaptive System; Governance network; ERGM; The 7.20 extraordinary flood in Zhengzhou

Abstract: Cooperative actors and their interactions are crucial to improve the efficiency of urban flood governance. Combined with the theory of Complex Adaptive System and the Social Network, this study explores a new adaptive structure of urban flood governance, trying to solve the problem of efficiency of emergency cooperation. Conducted via the Social network analysis, examining the density and centrality of urban flood disaster governance network, and identifies the importance of actors and how to play a role. The Exponential Random Graph Model is used to simulate the urban flood adaptive network, revealing the promotion effect of network endogeneity and interaction on the formation of adaptive networks. A study is carried out on the 720 flood in Zhengzhou to reveal the flexible adjustment trend and adaptive governance process. The results suggest that the network endogeneity and interactivity will influence the development of adaptive networks. Networks that are endogenous and highly interactive are more likely to form close collaborative relationships and information flows that are conducive to adaptive network. By establishing network committees or collaborative alliance to improve the participatory process of actors, can create reliable and effective adaptive response patterns for urban flood disasters.


Year: 2024

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