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Experimental Evaluation of Drag Force on Different Shapes of Pontoons at Different Water Stream Velocities at Specified Loads and Submergence

Author(s): R. B. Deogade; H. R. Khandagale; M. Someshwara

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Keywords: Drag force; Pontoon; Submergence; Rating Trolley

Abstract: The ability to cross both natural and man-made obstacles have always been crucial for good mobility and is vitally important for various operations. The series of Pontoons are used as floating bridge to allow the transport vehicles and personnel over water and marshy grounds. Floating bridges are cost-effective solutions for crossing large bodies of water with unusual depth. Friction drag is observed when relative motion exists between pontoon and fluid. In view of this drag force is required to be evaluated correctly so that arrangement to fix the pontoon can be accurately designed considering the load and safety factors. For this required to carry out experiment to measure drag forces acting on the pontoons due to water resistance at various weights and water velocities. To study and collect numerous data, three pontoons of various shapes and materials were chosen for experiments. The drag force of pontoons is measured at 0, 5 and 10 degrees by add on various loads and submergence levels. During the experiments, a pontoon freely suspended to Rating Trolley when towed at a predetermine speed in straight open water tank, the drag force induced is measured by precise load cell. Experimental outcomes of all three pontoons for drag forces at 0, 5 and 10 degrees at various submergences and velocities will limit its application in specific velocity range and weight applied on it. Experimental analysis indicates the drag force is directly proportional to the frontal resistive area, water velocity and depth of submergence.


Year: 2022

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