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Scalability of model results to nature in the case of static hydraulic waves

Author(s): Lasse Bauer; Marco Schuster; Markus Aufleger

Linked Author(s): Markus Aufleger

Keywords: hydraulic modeling; scaling effects; hydraulic jump; standing wave; surfing

Abstract: Modeling plays a key role in hydraulic investigations for robust data collection. Different approaches such as physical and numerical models have shown good results for different applications. The young discipline of building standing waves suitable for surfing and kayaking also makes use of the advantages of either downscaled versions of nature or computational imitations of it. The success of following projects highly depends on the quality of the recorded data. Scaling effects play a major role in the pivotal interpretation of such data and their knowledge should be acquainted as good as possible. In wave design the size of the so-called wave-jump determines its surfability. First results show a trend of potential underestimation of the wave height at small scale models. Further measurements will give a suitable overview of scaling errors in wave modeling.


Year: 2024

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