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Development of Spatial Jump Type Stilling Basin

Author(s): Somendra Kumar Mazumder; Zulfiqar Ahmad

Linked Author(s): Somendra Kumar Mazumder

Keywords: Spatial jump; Basin performance; Residual energy; Coriolis coefficient; Adverse slope

Abstract: Stilling basins are required for energy dissipation downstream of the spillways. Classical basins with parallel side walls are costly due to their long length and high conjugate depth requirement. Basins with forced jump require appurtenances which are subjected to cavitation damage at high velocity. Spatial jump type basins are economical; however, jump is unstable resulting in highly non-uniform velocity distribution at the exit end of the basin. Spatial jump was stabilized by providing adverse slope to the basin floor. In the present study, performance of the basin in terms of residual kinetic energy of flow were measured in terms of Coriolis coefficient at the exit end of the basin. Optimum slopes of the basin floor were determined both theoretically and experimentally for basins without and with lateral offsets at entry to the basin. It was found that the efficiency of the basin as energy dissipater was the best without any offset at the entry. However, the efficiency of the basin was almost the same with lateral offset non-dimensional value of which should not exceed 0.245


Year: 2024

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