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Iceberg Impacts – Parametric Study on Local Pressure Model Exposure Parameter and Design Disconnect Envelopes

Author(s): Mark Fuglem; Paul Stuckey; Jonathon Bruce; Freeman Ralph

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Keywords: Iceberg Impacts; Global Pressure; Local Pressure; ISO 19906; Disconnect Criteria; Exposure

Abstract: The probabilistic local pressure model in ISO 19906 can be applied for the case of iceberg impacts with floating systems to calculate design local pressures for specific local structural areas and annual probabilities of exceedance, given the expected frequency of impacts and average impact duration. The effective of ice management can be taken into account when determining the design local pressures. If a floating system can remain on site for smaller icebergs in mild sea states, where impacts would be unlikely to cause significant structural deformation, then substantial savings can be achieved by avoiding downtime and costs associated with disconnect. This paper reviews some of the issues that need to be considered, and considers how the use of different criteria will influence loads, local pressures and number of downtime events.


Year: 2024

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