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Droughts in Morocco: A history of adaptation and resilience

Author(s): Dalila Loudyi; Zaynab Bouhioui

Linked Author(s): Dalila Loudyi

Keywords: Hydrolink; drought; Morocco; resilience; adaptation; arid areas; Dalila Loudyi; Zaynab Bouhioui


Morocco, located in North Africa, is severely affected by droughts that have adverse impacts on agriculture, water availability, and the country's economic growth. Additionally, reduced agricultural yields increase rural migration, due to drought cycles with a frequency of 5 to 6 years. This article analyses Morocco's historical adaptation measures to cope with drought, based on traditional methods of water conservation used in arid areas, as well as strategic measures taken since the 1960s, in particular, the construction of dams to ensure the availability of water resources. Dam infrastructures, while providing historically a solution to water scarcity, is now proving limited in the face of today's growing water demand due to rapid urban and agricultural expansion, highlighting the need for additional solutions for updating national water strategy and resilience to droughts.


Year: 2024

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