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31st IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems

Author(s): Chirag Trivedi

Linked Author(s): Chirag Trivedi

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Hydropower is one of leading sources of energy used to meet the primary, secondary and territory ancillary services to balance the energy demand. Hydraulic turbine is essential component of a hydro power plant to generate electricity. The IAHR symposium on hydraulic machinery and systems provides unique opportunity to the academic and industrial research teams to exchange the stat-of-the-art knowledge and ideas on the development of the next-generation of hydropower technology. 31st Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems was organized by Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, during 26 June – 01 July 2022. This preface describes the overall summary of the symposium, including the parallel sessions, scientific and cultural tours. For more specific detail, please visit the symposium website www. ntnu. edu/iahr2022. Scientific manuscripts reviewed by the experts, accepted and presented during the symposium are published in a proceeding at IOP Science EES conference series.


Year: 2022

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