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Intermittent Cavitating Flow Field in Tandem Cascades of Kaplan Turbines

Author(s): R. F. Susan-Resiga; T. Ciocan; A. Stuparu; G. G Gherghe

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Within the framework of the classical turbine design setup, we present a numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating flow in tandem cascades of guide vanes and rotor blades. The practical relevance of the present investigation is ensured by choosing real blade profiles and domain geometry for the large Kaplan turbines (9.5 m rotor diameter) from the Iron Gates I hydropower plant on the Danube River. The 2D tandem cascade setup is obtained with a conformal mapping of the circular guide vane cascade into a straight cascade, while the rotor blade cascade is by default a straight one for axial turbines. Both single-phase and two-phase cavitating flows results are presented and analysed. The single-phase liquid flow displays rather modest pressure and tangential force fluctuations, with the characteristic blade passing frequency, due to the interaction of the rotor blades with the wakes of guide vanes. The two-phase cavitating flow displays a completely different dynamics in comparison to the liquid flow, with periodic cavitation growth and collapse at a specific frequency lower than the blade-passing one. Moreover, the tangential force on the rotor blade displays severe intermittency and the force fluctuations are almost one order of magnitude larger than in the single-phase flow.


Year: 2022

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