Author(s): G. Cavazzini; G. Zanetti; A. Santolin; G. Ardizzon
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: Pump-turbines (RPT) nowadays represents the most common mechanical equipment adopted in the new generation of storage hydro plant. In order to balance the frequent changes in electricity production and consumption caused by unpredictable renewable energy sources, RPT are forced to rapidly switch between the pumping and generating mode also extending their operation under off-design conditions in unstable operating areas. Because of the design criterion adopted for the development of a RPT, an unstable behavior represented by a typical S-shaped profile with a positive slope in the machine's characteristic can occur near to the runaway condition. With the purpose of evaluating the evolution of the fluid field near to the no-load condition, an in-depth CFD analysis of the RPT model test of the Norwegian Hydropower Center is performed by retracing the machine's characteristic curve running through the flow-speed characteristic curve up to the turbine brake region for fixed guide vanes opening. To validate the numerical results, a comparison with the experimental results in terms of characteristic curves and pressure signals is performed. The results allow to capture the 3D characteristics of the unsteady phenomena, progressively evolving in an organized rotating stall, highlighting also the influence of the flow rate change from partial loads to the turbine brake operation on their development. In order to characterize the pulsating nature of the instability phenomena developing in the runner and in the rotor-stator interaction, a time-frequency analysis is performed on the numeric pressure and torque signals. The combination between fluid-dynamic and time-frequency analysis makes it possible to identify and characterize three evolution phases: inception, growth and consolidation.
Year: 2022