Author(s): Filipe Romao; Ana L. Quaresma; Joana Simao; Francisco J. Bravo-Cordoba; Teresa Viseu; Jose M. Santos; Francisco J. Sanz-Ronda; Antonio N. Pinheiro
Linked Author(s): José Maria Santos
Keywords: Vertical slot fishway; Turbulence; Cyprinids; Computational fluid dynamics
Abstract: In Europe, the restoration of river connectivity is currently a priority for European Member States to achieve good ecological status and thus reduce the environmental impacts of anthropogenic barriers, such as dams and weirs, on water bodies, according to the Water Framework Directive and Biodiversity Strategy 2030. When barrier removal, such as dams and weirs, is not an option, fishways are the main mitigation solution to reconnect fish habitats. Within the technical fishways, the Vertical Slot Fishway (VSF) is still considered one of the best models (Clay, 2017). Literature recommendations indicate that the volumetric dissipated power (Pv) for cyprinids species should be lower than 150 Wm-3 while the slope generally round 10% for small-scale hydropower facilities (Larinier, 2008). The main objective of the present study was to assess the passage performance of an Iberian Cyprinid (Luciobarbus bocagei - hereafter barbel) in an experimental VSF that exceeds the above design recommendations. For this, the passage performance of the barbel was assessed in a full-scale experimental fishway set with a slope of 15 % which generated Pv > 150 Wm-3 in the pools.
Year: 2024