Author(s): Huijie Wu; Amir Erfan Zareei Shams; Robert B. Jacobson; Binbin Wang
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Keywords: Carp eggs; Suspension; Settling; Turbulence
Abstract: Bighead carp, silver carp, and grass carp (hereafter referred to as carp) are rheophilic-spawning fishes. Carps release their eggs into water broadly for fertilization and recruitment. The eggs drift in the streams and rivers until hatch. Shortly after the eggs are released into water, they absorb a large amount of water known as the water hardening process. This process increases their sizes to approximately 5 mm, and decreases their settling velocities to < 10 mm/s. After that, turbulence becomes the main mechanism to keep them suspended in the water, preventing them from being buried in the sediment during the drift process. In this study, we conducted a series of experiments to understand the mechanism of suspension due to turbulence using surrogate carp eggs.
Year: 2024