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Monitoring of Rhodamine WT Dye from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and in-Situ Tracking for Dispersion Studies in Turbid Coastal Waters

Author(s): Raquel Penas-Torramilans; Manel Grifoll; Manuel Espino; Margarita Fernandez; Marta Balsells F-Pedrera; Yang Chen; Joaquim Sospedra; Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla

Linked Author(s): Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla

Keywords: Estuary; Dye release; Diffusivity; Rhodamine WT; UAV

Abstract: Dispersal processes play a crucial role in marine ecosystems, contributing to the distribution and movement of various substances, organisms, and nutrients, significantly shaping the marine environment. For aquatic pollution studies, dispersion processes also play an important role, determining how pollutants behave in the marine environment. This dispersion can have detrimental effects on marine ecosystems and organisms in conjunction with algal blooms or mortality events. The aim of this work is to analyze the temporal evolution of dispersion patterns, using field data from controlled releases of an innocuous tracer (Rhodamine WT) tracked from an unmanned aerial vehicle and “in-situ” tracking in Fangar Bay (Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean Sea).


Year: 2024

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