Author(s): David Hurther; Helder Guta; Guillaume Fromant; Julien Chauchat
Linked Author(s): Helder Guta
Keywords: Sediment transport experiments & measurements; Hydroacoustic flow instrumentation; Ultrasound Doppler & backscattering systems; Sediment flux profiling
Abstract: Reliable measurements of sediment transport flow rate defined as the flow cross-section averaged product of sediment velocity and concentration, remains nowadays a technically challenging task of scientific relevance. This study describes a new dataset of sediment transport experiments and measurements using the Acoustic Concentration & Velocity Profiling (ACVP) technology as the main flow measurement tool. Experiments conducted in mobile bed open-channel flows carrying inertial sediments of two sizes in the sheet flow regime are used for the estimation of ACVP measurement uncertainty in mean bedload sediment concentration profile. For this purpose, ACVP data are compared to Conductivity Concentration Profile (CCP) measurements used as reference data. Second, the accuracy in net sediment transport rate ACVP measurement is evaluated from another set of experiments in sediment-laden open-channel flows covering a wide range of hydraulic and sediment transport conditions.
Year: 2024