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Microplastic Transport in the Aquatic Environment: The Case of the Scheldt Estuary

Author(s): Nithin Achutha Shettigar; Qilong Bi; Erik A. Toorman

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Keywords: Microplastics; Population Balance Equation; Size distribution; Mixed sediment; OpenTELEMAC

Abstract: The modeling of the transport of microplastics in the aquatic environment is highly complex, as it must consider both the internal properties of microplastics and external environmental factors influencing their transport. The broad diversity of microplastic properties, such as size, density and shape, makes it challenging to assume a singular representative characteristic for microplastics. Additionally, several external factors, such as flocculation with cohesive sediments and bedload dynamics in a mixed sediment bed need to be taken into consideration. In this study, for the first time, the plastic size distribution is considered in a large-scale numerical model. Population Balance Equations (PBE) are employed to account for the size-dependent settling velocity of microplastics.


Year: 2024

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