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Key Experience of Sediment Management Drawn from Several Large Rivers Around the World

Author(s): Cheng Liu; Yun He; Hongling Shi

Linked Author(s): Cheng Liu

Keywords: International Sediment Initiative (ISI); River basin; Sediment management

Abstract: The mobilization of sediment from river basins and the transport of sediment by rivers, both natural and influenced by human activity, causes many problems for mankind including depletion of global soil resources and siltation of waterways and infrastructure associated with water resources development, hydropower production, and flood control. Sediment control and management is increasingly seen as an important environmental challenge for the sustainable development of the earth’s resources. The International Sediment Initiative (ISI) was launched by UNESCO’s International Intergovernmental Programme (IHP) in 2002 with the objective of advancing sustainable sediment management on a global scale. The ISI has drawn on international experience on sediment problems and their management to compile a series of Case Studies of individual large river basins selected to be representative of a broad range of physiographic and socio-economic conditions and associated sediment problems and management responses. The Case Studies compiled to date relate to six river basins. These comprise the basins of the Nile, Mississippi, Rhine, Volga, Yellow, and Haihe and Liaohe rivers (Abdalla, 2008; Julien & Vensel, 2005; Spreafico & Lehmann, 2009; Golosov & Belyaev, 2009; IRTCES, 2005; IRTCES, 2004).


Year: 2024

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