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First Steps to Model Sediment Exchange Between Groyne Fields and Main Channel

Author(s): Rebekka Kopmann; Irina Klassen; Christina Baumgartner

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Keywords: Physical model; Artificial sediments; Lateral sediment exchange; OpenTELEMAC

Abstract: The German Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) uses hydromorphodynamic numerical modelling to investigate the long-term effect of river engineering measures. In previous studies, only bedload transport was modelled, as this mainly influences the evolution of the river bed. However, neglecting the suspended transport can lead to errors when balancing the total transport quantity. Material transported in suspension can be deposited in groyne fields and also remobilised again, which leads to local sinks or sources in the overall balance. Despite the practical relevance, there are only few scientific studies on sediment exchange processes. Anlanger (2008) reported erosion in groyne fields during high discharges and deposition during low discharges. Conversely, experimental investigations at river Waal showed the opposite (Ten Brinke et al. 2004). This highlights the need for further research on this topic. The aim of the study is to find out to what extent the consideration of the suspended load can improve the numerical modelling of waterways with groynes.


Year: 2024

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