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A Two-Dimensional Analytical Storm Surge Model

Author(s): Damien Violeau

Linked Author(s): Damien Violeau

Keywords: Storm surge; Analytical model; Linearized shallow water equations

Abstract: We present a mathematical model for analytical prediction of storm ocean surge. In contrast to simplistic models like Dean and Dalrymple’s classic (Dean and Dalrymple, 1991), the present model considers more realistic conditions: 1) two-dimensional atmospheric pressure and corresponding wind fields accounting for the Ekman layer; 2) mobile storm with constant forward velocity; 3) sea-surface elevation and depth-averaged velocity fields governed by the linearized, two-dimensional shallow water equations; 4) bed friction and Coriolis force accounted for; 5) effect of the surge wave reflection on the coast. The equations are solved in exact form after a few simplifying assumptions, using the Fourier transform to compute the reflected wave. We give explicit, algebraic formulae for 1) the sea state as functions of space and time remote to the coast, and 2) the surge time and space evolution along the coast.


Year: 2024

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