Author(s): David Hurther; Helder Guta; Julien Chauchat
Linked Author(s): Helder Guta
Keywords: Sediment transport; Turbulence; TKE budget; Open-channel flows
Abstract: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) budget measurements differ from classical turbulence observations reported in the literature on clear water open-channel flows and wall-bounded boundary layers. This can mainly be attributed to difficulties in measuring accurately all terms involved in the production, dissipation and transport of mean TKE. Even rarer is the measurement of TKE budget in sediment-laden flows which requires additional high-resolution particle flux measurement capabilities for the estimation of the transported sediment-induced stratification term. As a result, little is known concerning the impacts of sediments on TKE. In this work, extensive measurements of the TKE budget are presented for highly turbulent, steady, uniform open-channel flows in increasing hydraulic forcing conditions starting from clear-water (CW) conditions with increasing injected sediment load until full transport capacity conditions, for two plexiglas (
Year: 2024