Author(s): Giulia Ravizza Garibaldi; Annalisa Di Bernardino; Paolo Monti; Giovanni Leuzzi; Giorgio Querzoli
Linked Author(s): Giovanni Leuzzi
Keywords: Gravity currents; Canopies; Vertical mixing; Lock exchange; Roughness
Abstract: One of the main causes of turbulence generation in stably stratified flows is the breaking of Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) billows. One of the open problems is the parameterization of the turbulence variables that play a role in the flow dynamics. To this end, this paper focuses on the determination of some variables of interest, such as turbulent fluxes of mass and momentum, obtained by means of a series of lock exchange experiments reproducing a gravity current flowing over bottom roughness of different types. The data are used to calculate the turbulent Schmidt number as a function of RiG.
Year: 2024