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Penetration of a Cylinder in a Wet Granular Bed – Experiments and Simulations

Author(s): Jiayi Li; Lijuan Zhang; Jos Derksen

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Keywords: Granular bed; Intrusion; Quantitative visualization; Particle-resolved simulation

Abstract: The intrusion of alien particles into granular beds is prevalent in a diverse spectrum of applications, such as military ballistics, robots moving on sand, meteor impacts, moon landing, cone penetration experiments and soil infiltration. Studies have largely focused on dry granular beds, which means that the fluid in the interstices between granular bed particles is assumed not to play a significant role in the intrusion process. Meaningful conclusions about the intrusion of alien particles into dry granular beds have been drawn based on experimental, theoretical and simulation works. If the interstitial fluid is a gas at ambient conditions its role is usually of limited extent. However, if it is a liquid this might not be the case given its much higher density and dynamic viscosity (Nordstrom et al. 2014). Alien particles can be found moving through particulate matter immersed in liquids in our environment as well as in engineering applications, ranging from the food and consumer goods industries to mechanized transport and the movement of intruders in sedimentary beds in water bodies.


Year: 2024

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