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Hydrodynamics of Open Channel Confluence with Tributary Floodplain

Author(s): Guanghui Yan; Saiyu Yuan; Jiajian Qiu; Hongwu Tang

Linked Author(s): Saiyu Yuan, Hongwu Tang

Keywords: Hydrodynamics; Confluence; Floodplain; Secondary circulations; Separation zone

Abstract: River confluences with a compound-channel tributary are common in large river networks, e. g. the Yangtze River basin and the Amazon basin (Fig. 1). They affect the confluence hydrodynamics, nutrient depletion and fish migration in the network, due to the seasonal exposure and submergence of the tributary floodplain (Yuan et al., 2023; Marinho et al., 2022). However, the corresponding influencing mechanisms are critical but poorly understood. The aim of the present work is to investigate, for the first time, the effects of the tributary floodplain on the confluence hydrodynamics, i. e. three-dimensional mean velocity field, turbulent characteristics, strength and scale secondary circulations, and size of separation zone.


Year: 2024

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