Author(s): Robert Ettema
Linked Author(s): Robert Ettema
Keywords: River channels; Thermal fluxes; Ice; Ecology; Hydraulic structures
Abstract: Thermal effects pose important considerations that potentially affect a channel’s environmentalhydraulics behavior. This statement is especially true for river channels that experience frigid winters. Often forgotten are that many environmental-hydraulics processes are subject to water’s material behavior in response to thermal effects, as water’s phase diagram dictates. Thermal effects are significant when water moves near or over water’s freezing/melting (solidification) curve during frigid winters. Moreover, water’s phase may change from liquid to solid (ice), further invoking the unique characteristics of water’s molecular structure. Also, the formation of ice can adversely impact the purpose of engineered structures intended to enhance biota habitat conditions (e. g., the use of many instream structures, and fish screens used for water intakes).
Year: 2024