Author(s): Ciğdem Eryilmaz-Saylan; Alper Elci
Linked Author(s): Alper Elci
Keywords: Modeling; Wastewater; Receiving medium; Mixing length; Pollutant transport
Abstract: Water-stressed stream basins facing pollution require vigilant monitoring, pollution source identification, and the implementation of measures to safeguard the aquatic environment and human health. Point source control strategies are primarily evaluated through comprehensive process-based modeling studies. Water quality models simulating reactive advection-dispersion are pivotal, enabling an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships between pollutant loadings and the water quality of the receiving stream. This study presents a receiving water quality-based methodology to determine pollutant concentration limits for wastewater discharges using an analytical water quality model. This approach was demonstrated by determining the discharge limits for municipal and industrial wastewater discharges in the Kucuk Menderes River Basin (KMRB) (Izmir, Turkiye).
Year: 2024