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A Predictive Framework for the in-Canopy Velocity in Obstructed Shear Flows

Author(s): Michele Trevisson; Marco Ghisalberti; Gregory Ivey

Linked Author(s): Michele Trevisson

Keywords: Canopy flow; Surface velocity; Bed geometry; Flow prediction; Momentum balance

Abstract: Various environmental flows take place over permeable media (here called ‘obstructed shear flows’), such as submerged vegetation, sediment beds and coral reefs. The obstructions greatly differ in shape, size and spatial scales resulting in a range of flow heterogeneities. However, due the flow retardation induced by the drag of the obstructions, these flows share a common hydrodynamic (Kelvin-Helmholtz-type) instability at canopy top. On this basis, Ghisalberti (2009) showed that obstructed shear flows can be treated as hydrodynamically similar systems. Thus, a model is developed here to predict the average in-canopy flow velocity for any obstructed shear flow knowing only the free-stream velocity and the geometric features of the canopy.


Year: 2024

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