Author(s): Philip A. Gillibrand; Jack Polykett; Helena C. Reinardy; Alan J. S. Cuthbertson
Linked Author(s): Alan J S Cuthbertson
Keywords: Form drag; Aquaculture; Velocity reduction; Particulate waste; Tracer study
Abstract: Fish farm pens present an obstacle to the prevailing, usually tidal, flow. Since most farms use an array of pens, the total blocking effect is a cumulative effect of the drag from individual pens. Flows are reduced inside the pens, but may be accelerated around the sides and beneath the nets (Wu et al., 2022). Here we explore the blocking effect of a salmon farm in Kilbrannan Sound in the Clyde Sea and the effects on particulate waste deposition from the farm. Flows are modelled using a 3D finite element hydrodynamic model with additional drag applied at grid cells with farm pens. The modelled flow fields are input to a fish farm waste deposition model, NewDepomod (Adams et al., 2020), to explore the effects of flow reduction on particulate waste deposition. Calibration of the model is achieved through comparison of settling patterns measured following release of a novel dual signature (magnetic/fluorescent) sediment tracer.
Year: 2024